Haubergeon Nitad / Stansad 6 mm


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Då dessa historiska saker inte massproduceras i ofantligt många exemplar så bör man maila eller ringa för att få 100% lagersaldo innan man beställer.

As per original finds, it is woven with alternate rows of riveted round rings (domed rivet heads) and punched flat rings. Both then and now, the extremely small inner ring diameter has made it possible to manufacture this particular chain mail out of 1 mm steel without impairing its effectiveness, and thereby to achieve a weight reduction of about 30 – 35%.
The common abbreviation for this particular weave is RM (Roman Mail), as it was favoured by the ancient Celts and Romans (Lorica Hamata). However, it remained in use throughout the ages and was commonly worn up to the late Middle Ages.

– chest circumference: approx. 130 cm when fully extended. Your chest should not exceed 115 cm when wearing your gambeson.
– length: approx. 80 cm
– arm length: approx. 25 cm
– interior diameter: 6 mm
– flat rings: 1 mm
– weight: approx. 8.75 kg
– finish: natural (lightly oiled)

– Chest circumference: approx. 135 cm when fully extended.
Your chest should not exceed 125 cm when wearing your gambeson.
– Length: approx. 80 cm
– Arm length: approx. 30 cm
– Interior diameter: 6 mm
– Width of flat rings: 1 mm
– Finish: natural (lightly oiled)
– Weight: approx. 9.4 kg

– chest circumference: approx. 150 cm when fully extended. Your chest should not exceed 135 cm when wearing your gambeson.
– length: approx. 86 cm
– arm length: approx. 26 cm
– interior diameter: 6 mm
– flat rings: 1 mm
– weight: approx. 10.5 kg
– finish: natural (lightly oiled)

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